Sunday, February 9, 2025

Diving Estepona

If you want to dive, this is your place …

Advanced diving courses

Advanced PADI diving courses in Estepona.

PADI diving courses to get another higher level.

(All courses are PADI and include basic diving equipment, diving insurance and certification fee)

If you have thought about being an advanced diver, you are in the right place. Get your advanced level PADI certifications and be an example for your classmates. Learn new techniques, another way of thinking about diving and place yourself in a higher level PADI. Take your advanced diving course in Estepona and get higher. And if what you have thought is to dedicate yourself professionally to diving, try to do the professional course DiveMaster PADI and reach a high level and maximum experience.

PADI Adventure Diver

Course duration: 3 to 4 days

Course in which you go from being an OWD diver to being an adventure diver. It includes 3 adventure dives in the open sea. In this dives you learn the basic parts about the type of diving you want to choose. The PADI Adventure Diver course helps you get more from diving by introducing new types of diving adventures. It is a great opportunity to work with your instructor developing your diving techniques and gaining more confidence. You can try three dives of your choice, have a bit of what you like, and feel more at ease in the water, strengthening your underwater skills and letting you enjoy diving more than ever. Know more …


PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (AOWD)

Course duration: 4 to 5 days

This is the course that will make you an advanced diver. It consists of 5 adventure dives in the open sea and where you learn the basic parts. After your certification you will be able to dive up to 30m deep (Depending on age). Exploration, emotion, experiences … The Advanced Advanced Water Diver advanced diving course deals with all this. And no, you must not be “advanced” to do so – it is designed so you can access directly after the PADI Open Water Diver course.
The Advanced Open Water Diver course helps you increase confidence. It will allow you to build your diving skills so you can feel more comfortable in the water. Know more …


PADI Rescue Diver (Rescue course for divers)

Course duration: 3 to 4 days

“Defiant” and “rewarding” is what best describes the PADI Rescue Diver course. Based on what you have already learned, this course extends the knowledge you already have about how to prevent problems and how to manage them if they happen. Course that teaches you to assess the necessary aspects to act in case of a diving emergency of yours or your companions. Being a Rescue Diver is not only being a rescue diver but the other divers will value you as such and will see you as a diving leader near them and in which they will place their trust. The fun part of this course is to grow up to challenges and master them. Most divers say that this course is demanding and rewarding, and in the end they say it is the best course they have ever done. Know more …
