Saturday, July 27, 2024

Diving Estepona

If you want to dive, this is your place …

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Diving in Gibraltar 2 dives 5 wrecks

Diving in Gibraltar

Video from our partner @sergiobull

Diving in Gibraltar, has always been a favorite destination for all divers in the area, the world and tourists who visit the Costa del Sol.

In the 80s, the government of Gibraltar decided to create artificial reefs. The plan was to cover all its coastline. For this I use dozens of boats in disuse. Most were cargo ships. It took more than 10 years to complete the reef repopulation plan to create marine life. In this way they would generate wealth in the sea, activities and tourism.

At present

For several years, the diving in Gibraltar has been destined only to diving clubs belonging to the rock. Diving Estepona, is one of the few dive centers authorized to dive in its waters. We have dived there for years. We have in our logbooks hundreds of dives in different places around Gibraltar. There is a favorite place for us and for many of the divers who visit, we talk about Camp Bay, a natural beach on the west side of the rock. From there we started our dives.

The dives

Our diving excursions in Cam Bay are divided into two dives. You can get to see 5 wrecks in only 2 dives. We visit the most famous places of diving in the area because of the great variety of marine life that can be observed in each of the wrecks that are visited and also, in a few occasions, the dives are canceled there. The rock itself protects the diving area from storms and tides.

The proximity of the wrecks to the coast, in addition to an accentuated drop, makes diving there very easy.


First dive

Our first dive, reaches 17m deep and is made to the south. Following cables that belonged to old ships, already sunk there, you reach the first of the wrecks.

The Batty’s is a boat that was used for transportation. It is of average measure, about 40m in length and 6 in width. It rests on a sandy bottom 12m deep and has the largest spaces of all the wrecks of Cam Bay. Sailing a few meters further west, we will meet, almost touching the Batty’s, the wreck 482. This ship, intentionally sunk, was a ship also dedicated to the cargo. Here is the deepest point of the two dives scheduled for the day, 17m. It is always very populated with marine life and with many holes where you can see moray eels, different crustaceans, and a type of life.

In addition, the most daring divers will be able to cross it practically in its entirety, although it is not advisable if you do not have much experience in wreck diving (sunken ships). It has an area in the hold where less experienced can penetrate with less risk to have the sensations of diving inside a sunken ship.

After finishing in 482, we started the tour again going through the Batty’s and making our safety stop on the beach where we had started.

Second dive

After taking a tentenpie, we started the second dive. This time, we will start towards the north and following the natural line between rocks and sand we will find Barge 1. This barge is only 10m deep. In this way it is ideal for junior divers and dive baptisms for its ease. The upper part of the barge is only 6m deep. Only 7m from Barge 1 is the second. Barge 2 is the only one that does not rest on the keel. This barge rests on its starboard side and the unloading gates of the rocks that it was transporting, which are open, allow to cross it through large windows. Barge 2 is 12m deep. In this wreck you can see banks of hundreds of fish each and different gorgonians. Just 20m further west we will find Barge 3. This barge has the peculiarity that it is completely hollow. Getting inside is very easy and safe. But you always have to be careful not to lift the sediment to find an easy exit. In this barge we will reach 13m deep. Once we have surrounded it, we can start the way back.

Back to the beach

We will return to the second barge and to  the first. Above the rocks that guided us to start, we can make the safety stop while we return and try to see if we find some octopus or conger.


The number of divers interested in visiting it and the marine life and wrecks in the same dive, guarantee a safe day of diving.

Given the versatility of diving in Gibraltar, you can take advantage of diving excursions to enjoy and courses, as well as being an ideal site for  DSD Discover Scuba Diving (Try dives) at sea from 10 years of age. That yes, children under 14 can not visit sites deeper than 12m since the legislation of PADI, our federation, does not allow it.

Since diving there requires special permits, we recommend that you contact us. We will solve your doubts !!. We will take care of everything. Of equipment, logistics and documentation. By the way!! Do not forget your ID or passport. You can also take a sandwich or some fruit. In this way you can recover energy between the dives. A swimsuit and a towel is all you need.

Also, if you like sightseeing, Gibraltar is an ideal place to visit. Diving in Gibraltar is a dream!!

If you want to book a dive in Gibraltar, you just have to contact us to see availability and confirm the reservation here!

If you want to try other local dive sites please contact us or confirm your reservation here!

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